A Bird's Neck For Lunch


A Bird's Neck For Lunch *

A Bird’s Neck For Lunch

by Angel Hubris

A Bird’s Neck for Lunch is a story of homecoming and horror set in Ballaban, Albania. Angel, our narrator, returns to Albania to enact a ritual intended to connect them to their homeland. One day, while traversing the mountains, Angel comes across a sculpted sacrifice that both offers answers and prompts new questions about Albanian identity, lore, violence, rural life, and the many faces of God.

A Bird’s Neck For Lunch is the book version of a larger multidisciplinary work called DOG/GOD. It is a horror story and reflection on violence. It includes digital and analog photographs taken over the course of three years in rural Albania. First presented in Albania at the Independent Book Fair organized by 28 November x Bulevard Art and Media Institute, stay tuned for the launch party in Brooklyn. 


The Tower
