Candle Spell (The Tower)


Candle Spell (The Tower) *

Candle Spell (The Tower) uses elements of improvisational crowdwork, comedy, burlesque, and occult ritual. It is a spell for the fall of empire, for liberation, for transformation. Audience members may feel like they are in a workshop, or perhaps a dream, or a circus. 

Adaptations have been performed at Performance Space New York’s Work in Progress Feedback Front with Anahita Monfared as a fellow Ca$h Cow, curated by Monica Mirabile; at Hercules Art Studios with Vallerie Trachsler and Quixote Vassilakis as 4Gesus and 5Gesus for Text2Speech curated by Fadl Fakhouri, at The Rat for Dyke Theatre Co. with Ca$h Cow$ Anahita Monfared and Bunny Brewz, and at the Brick Aux as part of River Ramirez’s How To Be In Front Of People class.


A Bird's Neck for Lunch